Røyking i Norge er et betydelig folkehelseproblem. Til tross for innsatsen for å redusere røykefrekvensen, fortsetter et betydelig antall nordmenn å røyke. Dette skaper en rekke utfordringer når det gjelder å slutte å røyke, ettersom den enkelte ofte sliter med å overvinne nikotinavhengigheten og vanen i seg selv. eNikotin har innsett behovet for effektive løsninger,…
Aftercare and follow-up appointments play a crucial role in ensuring successful outcomes following a hair transplant procedure in Turkey. While the procedure itself is a significant step towards regaining natural-looking hair, it is the post-operative care and regular follow-up appointments that contribute to the long-term success of the transplant. These aspects not only aid in…
There are a lot of sunscreen products on the market these days. So, how do you know which one is the best for you? Here are a few things to consider when choosing a sunscreen product:
1. What is the SPF?
The SPF, or sun protection factor, is a measure of how well a sunscreen…